Tag Archives: motorcycle

Ride Recap 2010-04-13

5 bikes left K-Mart at 6:30PM sharp and road to the Deadwood.  Weather was a little chilly but the ride went on without any major hiccups.
We did get passed on 8 Mile coming back east because the ride leader was going to slow.  that’s the first time I’ve ever been caught doing that!
When we arrived Deadwood was ready for us and we had 4 more members join up for dinner.  Everyone enjoyed the food and conversation.  Some people are already planning long distance rides during the summer.  I’d say we got things off to a pretty good start!

Ride Recap – 2009-09-16

We had a beautiful evening to ride.  Nine riders departed K-Mart and headed to the Pickle Barrel Inn.

We headed south on Haggerty through the Metro Park.  We then headed south on Waltz to Willow Road; west on Willow Road to Rawsonville Road; then northon Rawsonville to Willis Road.

We landed at the restaurant at 7:30; our tables were ready and we had a nice meal as well as conversation.  Everyone seemed to enjoy their “sundaes” and deep-fried pickle chips.

All-in-all it was a smooth ride and I want to thank the other riders for their pep talks and encouragement as this was my first time leading…..
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